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Be a MariElders Member

Become a Member

Membership to MariElders allows you access to all activities and services offered through MariElders!  The only requirement for membership is to be over age 55.  

Members receive a weekly email with updated activities for the following week.

Members receive a monthly hardcopy newsletter with a calendar for the following month.

Members have voting rights through the Membership Council, which helps inform the policies and programs of the center.


Cost of membership:

FREE for Mariemont residents (these residents pay a small millage on their residential taxes that goes toward the operation of MariElders)

$30 annually for single residents outside Mariemont

$35 annually for couples outside Mariemont

To become a member, please download this paperwork, and return to MariElders with your check!


New Members Form

Welcome Letter


Activity Survey


Transportation Flyer


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